innov8 online training is coming...
Having worked with The Real Business Club, delivering workshops to business owners and start-ups, around marketing and social media I have found that it's something I really love to do.
Knowing that this will be coming to an end, it has left me wanting more! The satisfaction I have always felt from delivering design solutions to my clients could be multiplied beyond the physical hours I have available if I were to teach business owners how to improve their websites themselves! The idea of one-to-many workshops is something I have discussed with my friend Jay (of Future You) a few times, but there has never before been the push to put it into action.
I've been going into schools to deliver industry talks to 6th form students through the Berkshire Education Employer Partnership (BEEP) and love it – albeit the nerves always keep me in check before and throughout each session.
I am aware that I may have a steep hill to climb but the prospect of delivering my own training to business owners across the globe excites me greatly. Those moments where they light up with an understanding of how they can fix something they've been battling with for ages are really motivating to experience.
So I am posting this publicly to lay down the gauntlet to push myself to get this going!
Wish me luck.
Kind regards