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B👀K Recommendation


B👀K Recommendation - The Win Without Pitching Manifesto
B👀K Recommendation - The Win Without Pitching Manifesto

The Win Without Pitching Manifesto. By: Blair Enns

I forgot this until recently when Jon asked who we would like to hear speak at the next AdCon. So I'm posting it as a recommendation for all to see. Even if you decide to put pricing on your site, you can do it in a way that is based on guiding the viewer to the choice you would prefer them to take. I hope it does for you what it did for me. It changed my thinking and made me receptive to Jon's high-ticket pricing model.

Most importantly, it reminds us that pricing by value rather than the hour is a win-win for both parties because the client gets the best value for their money, and we get a fair payment for our work, knowledge, experience and creativity without giving it all away in a pitch, to be taken elsewhere for someone else to do!


please teach me how to maximise my website.

"I manage my own website, but am unhappy with how it is performing in the organic search listings. I need it to bring me more leads by appearing in front of my ideal client at the right time."

"I've been stung before when it comes to SEO and am looking for an honest, reliable person to show me how to optimize my website properly."

"I want to maximize my website in a powerful and Google-friendly way – without being left to wonder what just happened."


don't be shy, we won't bite

I am delighted to have been awarded Graphic Design Expert of the Year 2023 for Berkshire!
I am delighted to have been awarded Graphic Design Expert of the Year for the second year in a row and across the South East of England too!