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Hay fever top tip No.1


One for all the hayfever sufferers out there...

I've recently had the same conversation with more than a few people about hay fever tablets and their effectiveness. It's made me think that it might be helpful to more than a few people to put together these hay fever top tips.  As a long-term sufferer, I have learnt the hard way and hope it will save you from having to suffer the miserable effects of an allergy that can really take the joy out of Summer, not to mention the battle to get on with daily tasks.

#Hayfever-top-tip No.1 of 5

If you've tried taking 'one-a-day' tablets you can buy in the supermarkets but found even five are not working, it's worth making note that there are actually two different kinds, and some people respond to one kind and some to the other.

Cetirizine hydrochloride is the active ingredient in one kind and loratadine is the active ingredient in the other kind of hay fever tablet.
Cetirizine hydrochloride is the active ingredient in one kind and loratadine is the active ingredient in the other kind of hay fever tablet.

Cetirizine hydrochloride is the active ingredient in one kind, and loratadine is the active ingredient in the other. For example, my sister only responds to loratadine, and I only respond to cetirizine! Once you know this, you can try both (on different days obviously) and see which has the best effect for you. If you are one of the lucky ones who can use either, I'd be interested to know. 

So my first top tip is to read the labels and make a note of which one works for you.

#Hayfever-top-tip No.2 coming tomorrow.


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