Hay fever top tip No.2
Have you ever noticed that on a hot day, you could have a completely carefree day without any symptoms of hayfever at all – only to find that when you come inside as the evening drawers in, you start sneezing like Mrs Popoff! It's ok it's not just you, and there is a simple explanation.
All the time, the heat of the day is high, the pollen rises with the heat and stays out of reach, but as soon as it cools down, the pollen starts to come down too. This brings it down to our level, where we breathe it in and suffer the effects we thought we had avoided all day.
My top tip here is to shut all the windows and doors in your house before the heat of the day drops off. I know it goes against the grain, but avoiding the pollen drifting or being blown into your bedrooms is so worth it.
#Hayfever-top-tip No.3 coming tomorrow.